
Why being a Failure means you are sucessfull


The 3 Step Guide to Failing Your Way to The Top !



Growing up, I had a friend who always talked about their ambitions! I’m sure many can relate & it is always good to have people in your circle who thrive for more, the problem with this friend was that that every dream was followed with an excuse. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand what was keeping my ambitious friend from reaching his goals!

Then I figured it out, my friend had a Fear of Failure! We all have this fear and too many of us never conquer it. Fear is the killer of dreams! Many of us (like my friend) are on this path and don’t realize that, at the end of this life that we will have more regret than fear.





I love people who dream big because I dream big. I wanted to understand why my fear of failing didn’t hold me back but my friend’s fear did. I eventually was able to create a six-figure income going after what I believed in and that’s when I realized – my need for growth was bigger than my need for comfort. I started looking at other successful people and noticed we all have certain beliefs in common. What are the beliefs we have in common?

We believe that people choose to be comfortable living an uncomfortable life, because of their fear of failing. People who truly desire to succeed choose to be uncomfortable in the moment so they can live a life of comfort in the future – either way, we will be uncomfortable!


So…. I’ve been talking a lot about failure but the real question is, how do I overcome failure and the fear of failing? Simple, understand the formula for failing and implement it. Hopefully, after reading this you will have more understanding of how to become successful. Many people listen to themselves but I challenge you to end that today and start talking to yourself. Ask yourself this simple question, Do you know anyone that has become successful without failing? I’ll give you a hint, the answer is NO! Which means, its highly likely that failure is actually a cause to being successful…the very thing so many avoid is the only reason success avoids them.

Thru my own experiences along with the teachings of many other successful people, I have been able to come up with a formula for overcoming fear.


  1. Why success takes so long to obtain – The first one is FAIL EARLY! Too many people will make a decision to finally start their dreams & literally do nothing for years just to avoid failure. Start early, the longer you wait to fail – the longer you wait to be successful!
  2. Why giving up to early destroys dreams – This one is huge and where most people quit but FAIL OFTEN! People often quit because they have “tried” but you have to understand – Failure is part of the process! The only real way to fail is to actually QUIT. Don’t quit and just return back to that uncomfortable life! There is no specific number of failures you must encounter before becoming successful which, leads to my final point.
  3. Why looking forward to comfort over growth is a bad idea –You have to FAIL FORWARD! You must understand – success comes from the growth not the results. Failing often means creating better results. You don’t believe you are the type of person to be successful, fail often enough and become the person that is successful.


I like to compare success to driving, when you decided to learn to drive was it based on a need to be safe or on a need to get to get somewhere – to move around, to get some things accomplished? Most desire to move around, get to a destination, get some things accomplished…so what did you? You had some teach you, mentor you, guide on driving – you got some hands on experience and maybe even hit some curbs (or worse) but as you kept learning and applying, you became a better driver. Success is the same way – as long as you continue to be guided forward, you will arrive at your destination. Remember you don’t get what you deserve you get what you work toward.


Since joining MWR Life (check it out here) I’ve blessed to have mentors guide me along my own path of failure right into a 6 figure income. I realize that the mentor-ship, culture, benefits and opportunity is all I needed to get to my destination. With this formula I’ve been able to obtain success for myself but more importantly mentor others thru their path of failure to reach their final destination – success.